After a breakup, you may find yourself wondering how you can get a guy back and save the relationship. You're not alone, and thankfully, there is hope.
Getting back together with someone who broke up with you is very difficult and it takes effort and patience. It's much easier to work out a relationship that you're still in than when your partner has decided they no longer think it's worth fighting for and are ready to end the relationship.
But even if he broke up with you, you can still get your ex boyfriend back and save the relationship.
First, you must decide with absolute certainty that saving the relationship is truly what you want. Make sure the reasons you have for wanting to get your ex back are valid and worthy.
Next, come to grips with reality. Sometimes trying to get a guy back works and sometimes it just doesn't. You have to be prepared for any outcome and you need to be just as ready and willing to fight as hard as you can as you are to move on if you realize it's just not right.
Work on getting your head sorted out and your emotions straight. Guys are not attracted to women whose emotions are all over the place. Even though this is a hard time, you need to work on yourself. Spend some time away from him and occupy your life with things that make you happy.
If he starts to miss you and gets in contact with you, he won't be as open to starting things up again if you are an absolute wreck. Instead, work on regaining your self-confidence and your own personal identity. So get out there and live your own life. Be the mature one in the breakup.
Take good care of yourself and treat yourself to some luxuries. Take up your hobbies, hang out with your friends, get out there and have some fun. Keep yourself active and content and do things that make you feel good about yourself.
If you spend enough time focusing on yourself, you'll gradually lose that obsessive and toxic connection to the relationship you were holding on to and this is usually the time when he'll try to get in touch with you.
When he does, keep your cool and show him that you have a life. Tell him you've been busy and just act calm and collected. If he sees that you're somehow indifferent, he'll be intrigued and strangely drawn to you. Guys are hopelessly attracted to women who are strong, confident and independent and by showing him this side of you, he'll wonder how and why he ever let you go.
When you first see him, keep physical contact with him to a minimum. Don't let him touch or kiss you but rather, give him a simple hug when you leave. Watch him go crazy.
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